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glReadBuffer — select a color buffer source for pixels

C Specification

void glReadBuffer( GLenum mode);



Specifies a color buffer. Accepted values are GL_BACK, GL_NONE, and GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi.


glReadBuffer specifies a color buffer as the source for subsequent glReadPixels, , glCopyTexImage2D, glCopyTexSubImage2D, and glCopyTexSubImage3D commands. mode accepts one of the following values: GL_NONE, GL_BACK names the back buffer of the default framebuffer, and GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi names a color attachment of the current framebuffer,


GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if mode is not GL_BACK, GL_NONE, or GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi, where i is less than GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS.

GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the current framebuffer is the default framebufer and mode is not GL_NONE or GL_BACK.

GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the current framebuffer is a named framebufer and mode is not GL_NONE or GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi.

Associated Gets

glGet with argument GL_READ_BUFFER

API Version Support

OpenGL ES API Version
Function Name 2.0 3.0 3.1
glReadBuffer -
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