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textureProjOffset — perform a texture lookup with projection and offset


gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler1D sampler,
vec2 P,
int offset,
[float bias]);
gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler1D sampler,
vec4 P,
int offset,
[float bias]);
gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler2D sampler,
vec3 P,
ivec2 offset,
[float bias]);
gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler2D sampler,
vec4 P,
ivec2 offset,
[float bias]);
gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler3D sampler,
vec4 P,
ivec3 offset,
[float bias]);
float textureProjOffset( sampler1DShadow sampler,
vec4 P,
int offset,
[float bias]);
float textureProjOffset( sampler2DShadow sampler,
vec4 P,
ivec2 offset,
[float bias]);
gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler2DRect sampler,
vec3 P,
ivec2 offset);
gvec4 textureProjOffset( gsampler2DRect sampler,
vec4 P,
ivec2 offset);
float textureProjOffset( gsampler2DRectShadow sampler,
vec4 P,
ivec2 offset);



Specifies the sampler to which the texture from which texels will be retrieved is bound.


Specifies the texture coordinates at which the texture will be sampled.


Specifies the offset that is applied to P before sampling occurs.


Specifies an optional bias to be applied during level-of-detail computation.


textureProjOffset performs a texture lookup with projection. The texture coordinates consumed from P, not including the last component of P, are divided by the last component of P. The resulting 3rd component of P in the shadow forms is used as Dref. After these values are computed, the texture lookup proceeds as in textureOffset, with the offset used to offset the computed texture coordinates.

Version Support

OpenGL Shading Language Version
Function Name 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 3.30 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50
textureProjOffset - -
textureProjOffset (gsampler2DRect{Shadow}) - - -
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